Placed within Content Box

Heading 1 – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾

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Heading 4 – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾

Heading 5 – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾
Heading 6 – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾
Preformatted - CAPITALS - Special Char ¾

Paragraph – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾


Heading 1 – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾

Heading 2 – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾

Heading 3 – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾

Heading 4 – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾

Heading 5 – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾
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Preformatted - CAPITALS - Special Char ¾

Paragraph – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾

Bold Italic

Heading 1 – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾

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Heading 4 – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾

Heading 5 – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾
Heading 6 – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾
Preformatted - CAPITALS - Special Char ¾

Paragraph – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾

Color Wrapper (with Content)

Caption Text

I just wanted to let you know that I had a very nice morning with you. I hope everyone was comfortable and had a pleasant time. You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. You can rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.

 Please take your time deciding which photos you like the most. Eventually, I will need to know the photo ID numbers and what package (or print sizes) you would like, and don’t forget to indicate your yearbook choice.

[fac_icon icon=”arrow-circle-down” color=”#1e73be” color_hover=”#dd3333″ font_size=”50px”]

[fac_icontext icon=”spinner” text=”Spinner Icon” shape_type=”round” shape_bg=”#dd3333″ shape_bg_hover=”#dd9933″ icon_color_hover=”#ffffff” text_color=”#293db2″ text_color_hover=”#a0a0a0″]

[fac_icontext icon=”spinner” text=”Spinner Icon” shape_type=”rounded” shape_bg=”#dd3333″ shape_bg_hover=”#dd9933″ icon_color_hover=”#ffffff” text_color=”#293db2″ text_color_hover=”#a0a0a0″]

[fac_icontext icon=”spinner” text=”Spinner Icon” shape_type=”square” shape_bg=”#dd3333″ shape_bg_hover=”#dd9933″ icon_color_hover=”#ffffff” text_color=”#293db2″ text_color_hover=”#a0a0a0″]

[fac_button icon=”cc-visa” name=”uniquename” title=”Icon Button” text=”Icon button text” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”#a5a5a5″ color_hover=”#595959″ background=”#552ca5″ background_hover=”#eaeaea” border_width=”4px” border_color=”#8c8c8c” border_radius=”10px”]

[table id=1 /]

[fac_button icon=”cc-visa” name=”uniquename” title=”Icon Button” text=”Icon button text” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”#a5a5a5″ color_hover=”#595959″ background=”#552ca5″ background_hover=”#eaeaea” border_width=”4px” border_color=”#8c8c8c” border_radius=”10px 0″]

[fac_button icon=”arrow-circle-right” name=”learnmore” title=”Learn More” text=”Click to Learn More” link=”” target=”_blank” background=”#8224e3″ background_hover=”#d69931″ border_radius=”10px 0″]

Heading 1 – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾

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Heading 5 – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾
Heading 6 – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾
Preformatted - CAPITALS - Special Char ¾

Paragraph – CAPITALS – Special Char ¾

Full Size Wrapper


I just wanted to let you know that I had a very nice morning with you. I hope everyone was comfortable and had a pleasant time.

 You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. You can rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.

 Please take your time deciding which photos you like the most. Eventually, I will need to know the photo ID numbers and what package (or print sizes) you would like, and don’t forget to indicate your yearbook choice.

Background Parallax Wrapper


I just wanted to let you know that I had a very nice morning with you. I hope everyone was comfortable and had a pleasant time.

 You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. You can rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.

 Please take your time deciding which photos you like the most. Eventually, I will need to know the photo ID numbers and what package (or print sizes) you would like, and don’t forget to indicate your yearbook choice.

Feature Media

Allows you to put custom image or select predefined pattern as background. There’re also option to move background while you scroll ( parallax ) the site as well. DT Studios sports and all that is pretty darn good if you are kind of dumb. If you are smart it’s also pretty dumb.

Learn More

Column Service - Style 1

Allows you to put custom image or select predefined pattern as background. There’re also option to move background while you scroll ( parallax ) the site as well.

Learn more from this added link

Column Service - Style 2

Allows you to put custom image or select predefined pattern as background. There’re also option to move background while you scroll ( parallax ) the site as well.

Learn more with this added text

Content (for Image frame below)

This is the caption
Title link text

Content text.

Title Title (for image frame below)

Title caption
Read All News

Content Title (for Image frame below)

Content Caption
Read All News

Content text

Title - Content Center Bold with Divider

Caption of captions
Title link text

Allows you to put custom image or select predefined pattern as background. There’re also option to move background while you scroll ( parallax ) the site as wellAllows you to put custom image or select predefined pattern as background. to move background while you scroll ( parallax ) the site as wellAllows you to put custom image or select predefined pattern as background. There’re also option to move background while you scroll ( parallax ) the site as wellAllows you to put custom image or select predefined pattern as background. There’re also option to move background while you scroll ( parallax ) the site as wellAllows you to put custom image or select predefined pattern as background. There’re also option to move background while you scroll ( parallax ) the site as wellAllows you to put custom image or select predefined pattern as background. There’re also option to move background while you scroll ( parallax ) the site as wellAllows you to put custom image or select predefined pattern as background. There’re also option to move background while you ¾

[fac_icon icon=”hand-peace-o” color=”#dd3333″ color_hover=”#81d742″ font_size=”100px”]

Feature Media Title

I just wanted to let you know that I had a very nice morning with you. I hope everyone was comfortable and had a pleasant time.

 You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. You can rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.

Learn More

Feature Media Title

I just wanted to let you know that I had a very nice morning with you. I hope everyone was comfortable and had a pleasant time.

 You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. You can rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.

Learn More

Feature Media Title

I just wanted to let you know that I had a very nice morning with you. I hope everyone was comfortable and had a pleasant time.

 You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. You can rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.

Learn More

Feature Media Title

I just wanted to let you know that I had a very nice morning with you. I hope everyone was comfortable and had a pleasant time.

 You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. You can rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.

Learn More


Page Caption - Classic Style
Read All News

Accordion Main Title

Accordion Caption - Style 1 (colored tab bg) vs Style 2 ( transparent)

Tabs 2

Tabs 2 Content

Tabs 3

Tabs 3 Content – You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So please keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. Please rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.

Tabs 1

Tabs 1 content – You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So please keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. Please rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.

Box Icon Title

Icon text goes here.

DT Studios

Column Service Style 1 - Icon media (vs. Image)

You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So please keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. Please rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.

Sports photography


Content Caption with Fontawesome Icon button
Read All News

Senior Portraits FAQ – Learn more

FontAwesome Constructor Icon – [fac_button icon=”camera” name=”Camera Unique name” title=”Camera Title – Fontawesome Icons” text=”This is the text for camera” link=”” target=”_self” color=”#000000″ color_hover=”#ffffff” background=”#86ccc3″ background_hover=”#39772e” border_width=”2px” border_color=”#f9006c” border_radius=”2px”]

Feature Media with Image (vs Video)

Read more tag above

You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So please keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. Please rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.

Learn More

Column Service icon Style 2

You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So please keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. Please rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.

Sports photography

Skill Item Title
Skill Item Caption
Skill Bar
Skill Bar 2
Skill Bar 3

Stunning Text Title - Style 1 Left

Stunning Text Caption

Click Here or Buy Now

Stunning Text Title - Style 2 Left

Stunning Text Caption

Buy Now

Style box content – You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So please keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. Please rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.

Tab Title with vert. or Horiz. tab style

Tab Caption

Added Tab Title 1

Added Tab Title 2

Added Tab Title 3

You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So please keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. Please rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.

You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So please keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. Please rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.

You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So please keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. Please rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.

Title Title

Title Caption
Read All News

Testimonial Title

Testimonial Caption

Testimonial Title - Center allign with divider

Testimonial Caption - 2 column/carousel/plain style

Testimonial - Center bold with divider

Testimonial Caption - 1 column/carousel/round style

Toggle Box Title

Toggle Box Caption/ style 1 colored bg/ left allign

Tab 1 - Toggle box Title

You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So please keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. Please rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.

Tab 2 - Toggle box Title

You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So please keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. Please rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.

Tab 3 - Toggle box Title

You will find the link to your portraits below. Please remember, these images are straight out of the camera and in raw form (un-retouched). So please keep an open mind with respect to crop (straightening & centering) or the lightness or darkness of an image. Please rest assured those things, along with other minor editing & retouching will be made to all the images you select as your favorite images.


Pie Chart with Icon spinner

Content area for lots of text.Content area for lots of text.Content area for lots of text.Content area for lots of text.Content area for lots of text.Content area for lots of text.Content area for lots of text.Content area for lots of text.Content area for lots of text.Content area for lots of text.Content area for lots of text.Content area for lots of text.Content area for lots of text.Content area for lots of text.Content area for lots of text.

Learn More

Personnel Title

Personnel Caption

Price Table - Session 1


Content text – Includes

Session 2


Content type –

Session 3


Content type –

Session 4


Content text –

Portrait Retouching & Editing Examples

Service with image - Retouching

We retouch your chosen images. We retouch your chosen images.We retouch your chosen images.We retouch your chosen images.We retouch your chosen images.We retouch your chosen images.We retouch your chosen images.We retouch your chosen images.We retouch your chosen images.

List with Icon Title

List with icon caption

Title 1 content.


Title 2 content.

Title 3

Title 3 content Title 3 contentTitle 3 contentTitle 3 contentTitle 3 contentTitle 3 contentTitle 3 contentTitle 3 contentTitle 3 contentTitle 3 contentTitle 3 contentTitle 3 contentTitle 3 contentTitle 3 contentTitle 3 contentTitle 3 content

Notification - Content of

Product Title

Product Caption you must investigate categories further. add & delete
Read All News


Banner/Content caption

Slider - Nivio

"Title" Slider caption

Slider - Flex

Slider/Content caption
slider is not defined
slider is not defined
[layerslider id=""]

    Test Text 1

    Test Text 2

    1. 1
    2. 3
    3. 4


    DT Studios Information | Make Payment | Senior Portraits | Portraits | Sports | Find your Sports Photos | Special Events

    Gallery 1

    Gallery 1 Caption - Grid Gallery/4 columns/440x550

    Gallery 3

    Gallery 3 caption - 150x150/grid gallery/6column


      Your Name (required)

      Your Email (required)


      Your Message


        The information below is required so that we can confirm your appointment request. Please note that you "must" receive a confirmation e-mail from us before your appointment is officially set, (usually within a few hours), if your requested time(s) is not available we will send you a similar, alternate date/time). If you have any questions or need a quicker confirmation please call (315) 452-1456.

        Name: For Billing (Senior's Parent/Guardian) (required)

        E-mail: (required)

        Phone Number: (required)

        Subject's Name (required)

        Date & Time of first choice, example: 10-29-17 @ 1:30 PM (required)

        Date & Time second choice example 10-30-17 @ 1:30 PM

        Subject's School or organization (if applicable)

        Number of changes/outfits subject to be photographed in (required)

        Please include a short outdoor session (behind our studio)

        with our studio session: Yes / No (required)

        Message or addl. info. to DT Studios